Give Now

Thank you for choosing to support the Berkeley College Foundation.

Your contribution is deeply valued, whether you are an alumnus, student, parent, friend, faculty member, or staff. We are grateful for your commitment to the Berkeley College Foundation and its mission.

There are a variety of giving levels to contemplate and every gift adds value. For information on estate planning, employee matching programs, naming opportunities, or monthly recurring gifts, please call 844-489-5232 or email:

Make a Donation

Please make checks payable to Berkeley College Foundation - 44 Rifle Camp Road, Woodland Park, NJ 07424.

The Berkeley College Foundation fiscal year is July 1–June 30. Gifts to the Foundation, which are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law, must be received or postmarked by December 31 to be eligible for a charitable deduction on income tax returns for that calendar year, or by June 30 to be included in the Foundation’s fiscal year-end totals.

Does Your Employer Offer Company Matching Gifts?

Double the impact of your donation! Check with your employer regarding an employee matching gift program.